Serving God with Excellence

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Solomon’s temple was built with incredible precision to exacting standards. The Bible describes the care and attention to detail that marked the building and furnishing of the temple. It defined magnificence, and set new standards for excellence. Gold, silver, and other precious metals were lavished into this Temple and its furnishings. Nothing was omitted or overlooked. It simply was the best of everything!

From Solomon’s example, we learn how important it is that we always give God our best. That we do our best for Him in every project we undertake. Yet the truth is that building a magnificent temple did not prevent Solomon from drifting away from God.

The Bible says that “as Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been” (1 Kings 11:4). He could look at the Temple, and count all his riches, but this did not keep his heart pure or right before God.

Like Solomon, we too can become focused on possessions and accomplishments. We must remember that our priority must remain on God, not what we do or our reputation. We need to make Him first in our lives, and keep our hearts right before Him. No gold, silver, or achievement can take the place of these simple truths.

In your life, ask God to help you have the right priorities. Focus on Him, and seek to have a clean heart before Him.