Priest, Warrior, Judge

Priest, Warrior, Judge

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Over the centuries, this psalm perplexed many scholars who wondered to whom David was referring when he wrote, “The Lord says to my Lord.”

Jesus knew this presented unique problems. When confronted by the Pharisees, He asked what David could have meant in this psalm: “No one was able to answer Him a word” (Matthew 22:46). But Jesus gave a clue when He said that David had written “in the Spirit” (Matthew 22:43). Today, with Spirit-inspired insight, it seems clear that this psalm is about Jesus.

David began this psalm with the Lord on the throne, knowing that glory awaited Him. We see Him patiently waiting. We see Jesus pictured as the Lord, King, and Ruler. He is also pictured as a warrior, leading His people into victory. We see Jesus in complete purity, fulfilling God’s eternal plan. We see Jesus as a priest, “according to the order of Melchizedek” (v. 4) as our “great high priest” (Hebrews 4:14). And we see Jesus as a Judge, who will bring about perfect justice.

Remember that Jesus was born so that He might be Your Priest. That means He’s interceding with the Father for you. He is your Warrior, fighting for you, protecting you, and bringing you victory. He is your Judge, who knows the truth about every situation and who promises to make everything right.

And He is your Lord. Worship Him. Make sure He’s all of these things to you.