

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

When Francis Younghusband first saw Mount Everest, it seemed just a modest peak, dwarfed by the surrounding landscape. Later, this explorer saw the mountain from a different perspective, and his life was changed.

On that morning, the air was clear. At that moment, his eyes were opened, and he saw the mountain in all its glory – magnificent and overpowering.

This is the kind of perspective that Moses described in Psalm 90. He sensed how easily we can be impressed by mountains and other elements of creation. But Moses realized that the real key was being overwhelmed by God, remembering that He created those mountains. He “formed the earth and the world.” He existed from eternity, “before the mountains were brought forth.”

This gave Moses perspective. He realized that God was omnipotent. “A thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past” (v. 4). Tackling our challenges can seem to take forever, but God is beyond time. We can trust Him to shape the world and our lives according to His plan.

Moses’ cry was that God would “teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (v. 12). We need God’s His perspective on the mountains we face – our challenges and how we spend our time and live our lives. Ask God to give you His perspective, so He might teach you His ways.