Never Shaken

Never Shaken

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

At times it feels the earth is shaking, and nothing is stable. Everything seems adrift without an anchor. Challenged by a world of uncertainty, we can feel anxious and insecure, even unhinged.

Facing situations like this, the psalmist discovered how to respond and not be shaken. This starts with a change in our attitude. We are not to become obsessed with worries, personal problems, or world conditions, but to focus on God. Spend time in worship seeking Him and drawing closer to Him. Pray. Develop a personal relationship with Him.

Remember the power in His Word, love the Bible, and delight in His commandments. Don’t depend on the ever-changing things in the world, but constantly meditate on His promises. By thinking His thoughts, our lives will receive new levels of stability and certainty.

As we love Him and focus on Him, we must make practical changes. We must trust Him, constantly remembering that He is with us and has a plan for our lives. He loves us. He has prepared a home for us and that we will spend eternity with Him. As we rest in Him, our hearts can be “steadfast” and secure.

Don’t let fear rule your heart. You don’t have to be afraid about problems you face or shaken by world conditions. Commit your way to Him. Spend time in prayer. Fill your mind and heart with His Word. Trust Him. Worship Him.