Is the Lord Among Us?

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

During their years in bondage, many Israelites felt that God had abandoned them. To some extent their attitude changed after He sent Moses. They could see His hand through a series of miracles that led to their release. After the exodus, when they were cornered by the mighty Egyptian army, many doubted once again. But God powerfully demonstrated His abiding presence.

Yet as soon as they experienced a new set of problems, they turned away from God and, once again, focused on Moses. When they needed water they “quarreled with Moses.” Knowing that they really should focus on God, he asked, “Why do you quarrel with me?” Yet they still grumbled against him.

Moses understood the fundamental issues. To confirm his conclusion, he “named the place Massah and Meribah.” Why? Because the real question was if they believed the Lord was with them.

This question would arise continually throughout their history, and Believers face the same question today. Like the Israelites it can seem natural to focus on other people: to be influenced by their opinions and conform to what they think.

But everything should change if we know that God is “among us.” It changes everything when we know He is with us. If we have this confidence, we will talk with Him and remember all that He has done. We will confess His Word and declare that His promises are true for us.

Assured of His presence, we can have peace. We can trust Him, confident that He knows what we face and will protect us, provide for us, and direct our steps.

In your life, remember that God is with you. Talk to Him about the issues you face. Depend on Him. Let Him guide and provide what you need.