In Need of Prayer

In Need of Prayer

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

The message is simple. Although probably written by an anonymous slave (or former slave), it applies to everyone: white and black, rich and poor, old and young. And it applies to every kind of problem: serious and superficial, financial and physical, relationships or personal crossroads.

The message is the name of this spiritual: “Standin’ in the Need of Prayer.”

The author knew that others, in their own way, might have problems – brothers or sisters, mother or father, preacher or deacon, stranger or neighbor. But this was different. Facing personal challenges, he confessed he urgently needed God’s help. He simply needed prayer.

He cried to God because no one else could provide the help he needed. He didn’t need an elaborate prayer or deep theological training. He simply needed the honest cry from his heart, based on a relationship with Him.

Each of us might face moments like these when we don’t know what to do or where to turn. But we know we need answers.

These are times to turn to God and be honest with Him. We need to tell God every detail of our needs, confident that these sincere prayers release His peace in our hearts (Philippians 4:6-7).

Today, are you in the need of prayer? Do you have a burden? A problem? Share those needs with God. Call on Him. Be honest. Trust Him for the answers you need. Receive His peace.