June 18, 2023

Importance of Fathers

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”—Ephesians 6:4

The Bible gives fathers the responsibility to raise their children “in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Statistics tell the sad story that many fathers fail to fulfill this role.

Millions of men have divorced their wives or fathered children out of wedlock. According to the US Census Bureau, more than 18 million children in the United States live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home.

Many fathers are not involved in their children’s lives. It has been reported that, on average, fathers spend less than 30 minutes one-on-one with their children. More than 40% of fathers never read to their children.

The absence of fathers in the home has a widespread impact. Children who grow up without fathers are more likely to fall short of their potential. Fathers are important in setting the moral tone and the standards of behavior for children.

Teenage girls say their fathers influence their decisions about sex. Children in single-parent families are more likely to get pregnant as teenagers. And fatherless children have a greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse.

More than ever, our families need godly fathers. If you are a father, ask God to help you to fulfill your God-given role. Seek to raise your children “in the training and admonition of the Lord.” If you have a father or grandfather who is alive, pray for them. Encourage them. Support them.

Reflection Question: Write to thank God for being your Heavenly Father.

Father, help our men to be better fathers. Thank You for my father. Help me be the person You want me to be. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ephesians 6

Father, help our men to be better fathers. Thank You for my father. Help me be the person You want me to be. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ephesians 6