Great and Marvelous Are Thy Works

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

A “minister of blessing.” This is how John Quincy Adams described his mother, Abigail, in a letter to his father, John, on November 20, 1820, the day after she died. He affectionately remembered her firm mind, gentle temper, and “kindness and beneficence.” He recalled, “Never have I known another human being, the perpetual object of whose life was so unremittingly to do good.”

Abigail’s husband and son both had remarkable careers. Both served as President of the United States. And both openly acknowledged the debt they owed to Abigail, who was born on this day in 1744. She influenced many other lives as well, including such notables as Thomas Jefferson.

Throughout her life, Abigail provided reminders about right priorities. She knew the world urgently needed people of principle, so she urged her husband to get involved in politics, even though this meant personal sacrifice for her. He must not be “an inactive spectator.” She cautioned about the sinful condition of the human heart, warning her husband that “man is a dangerous creature.”

An avid reader, she frequently quoted the Bible, particularly Proverbs. Her lifelong creed was “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22).

When John and Abigail sailed to England in 1784, Abigail spent many hours watching the sea, often alone, awed by the beauty of God’s creation. One day, her thoughts turned to the Bible, and she wrote, “Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty.” She placed her trust firmly in Him!

Today, ask God to help you be a minister of blessing. Fill your life with His Word, and let Him use you to bless many others.