June 17, 2022

God Knows

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” – Revelation 1:9 NKJV

Today, few have heard of Jan Ámos Komenský. In fact, he is practically unknown in our time. Born in eastern Europe in 1592, he was one of the most important educational reformers in history. J. Hudson Taylor said he was “the single greatest innovator of missions” during the Reformation.

He left a remarkable legacy. A respected educator, he developed innovative plans for a Christian university program and helped shape educational systems throughout Europe.

He inspired other leaders, among other things serving as a chaplain for the Swedish king. Komenský created a comprehensive Christian encyclopedia and authored numerous books. He launched missionary outreaches and helped translate the Bible into Turkish.

He accomplished all these things despite spending most of his life as an exile. Always the optimist, he continued to develop new projects and plans even in his later years. Yet eventually he was forgotten.

His example reminds us that others may not know what we have done, but God knows. We think of people like the apostle John, a central figure among Jesus’ disciples and the author of some of the New Testament. Yet he seems to have been forgotten after being exiled on the island of Patmos. But God knew where he was and still used him mightily.

Seek to serve God faithfully. Others may not know, but He knows.


Reflection Question: How can you serve God faithfully behind the scenes?

Father, thank You for the resources You have given me. Help me to serve You faithfully and impact lives for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Revelation 1

Father, thank You for the resources You have given me. Help me to serve You faithfully and impact lives for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Revelation 1