Faithful and Dependable

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

From his perspective in a Roman prison, Paul reflected on his experience with other believers. He expressed these thoughts in a heartfelt letter to the church in Philippi. Sadly, he realized that some people had the opportunity to further the Gospel but were more interested in their own desires.

In contrast, he had much different thoughts about Epaphroditus. Here, he realized, was a person on whom he could depend. He was “a true brother, a faithful worker, and a courageous soldier.” He was a man with the right priorities, who consistently demonstrated that he was trustworthy. Rather than being obsessed with his own comforts, he had “risked his life for the work of Christ.”

Although battling illness,Epaphroditus was more concerned about the Philippians than himself. He became distressed to learn they heard he was ill. Because of this genuine bond, Paul was convinced that the Philippians would be “glad to see him.”

The Bible reminds us that God looks for people with this kind of commitment to His kingdom. People who realize that they have been blessed so they can bless others.

Today, ask God to show you how He can use you to touch people around you. Ask Him to help you develop the right priorities, always to seek first His Kingdom. Remember to foster the attitude of a servant, being ever faithful and dependable. Seek to be guided by His Word.

Commit yourself to using your resources in a way that pleases God. Give generously to support the work of the Gospel. Pray for those who are hurting. And serve Him in everything you do.