June 13, 2023

Deep Love

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“That He would grant you […] to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God.”—Ephesians 3:16, 19 NASB

Samuel Francis struggled to find meaning. Born in 1834 near London, England, he grew up in a Christian home and was taught biblical truths. Yet he still had questions.

One day while in London as he crossed Hungerford Bridge, he felt challenged by this thought: “Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?” Pausing to consider this question, he responded, “I do believe.” At that moment, he knew his life had changed. He had been born again.

The impact was so revolutionary that he dedicated his life to proclaiming the Gospel. He became an open-air preacher and joined the evangelistic outreaches of Dwight Moody, often leading singing for Moody’s meetings.

Drawing on his experiences, in 1875 he drafted a poem titled “Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.” This poem has been adapted into a moving hymn. Through his experience, he knew Jesus’ love was unlike normal human love. It was “vast, unmeasured, boundless, free! Rolling as a mighty ocean.” It was a love that was “all around.”

Francis was amazed that this love never changed. It was like “an ocean vast of blessing,” giving rest to believers and lifting us into His presence.

We can easily become busy, wrapped up in daily problems or even religious activities. It is important to remember the love of Jesus, love Him, revel in His love, and share that love with others.

Reflection Question: Write a love letter to Jesus, expressing your love for Him.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me. I love You. Open doors that I might tell others this Good News. In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ephesians 3

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me. I love You. Open doors that I might tell others this Good News. In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ephesians 3