Darkness or Light?

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

When Jesus said “men loved the darkness” (v. 19), He used the same Greek word as when He said that “God so loved the world” (v. 16). Even though Light has come into the world, some people love darkness so much that they reject the Light in order to keep their evil deeds concealed.

This is the reason many people hate the Gospel and mock Christians. They don’t want to consider that the Gospel might be true, and that there is just one true Light. They sense that Light might expose their sins, disrupt their way of life, and cause them to jettison their pleasures. After all, darkness, with all its false, misleading appeal, can seem so inviting, even to Believers.

So how do we stay pure? The Bible says, “He who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God” (v. 21). We should want to seek God and allow Him to examine our lives. We should want the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin and lead us into all truth.

True Believers want to know God’s Word and let its Light shine into our minds and hearts. We want to put the Word into practice, and live in such a way that we manifest Light through the things we do and say. We want others to see the impact of God’s Light in our lives, so they can recognize the difference between Light and darkness, and then come to the Light themselves.

Today, make sure that you’re living in the Light! Let God open your eyes to the darkness in the world. Be a witness for the Light. Support the work of ministry, so the Gospel can be proclaimed more powerfully and with more impact than ever before.