Conquer Defeat

Conquer Defeat

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

We can imagine the excitement! After years in exile, these Jews were returning to their homeland! Their efforts had been blessed by Cyrus, the Persian king. What could go wrong?

Yet after their arrival, they experienced waves of problems. The foreign people living in Israel made life difficult, charging these returning exiles with rebellion. They spread gossip about them and made false accusations. Faced with this opposition, it would have been easy for these Jews to become discouraged or give up. But they persisted and eventually gained victory.

The world still is filled with people who resist the Kingdom of God and His work. This opposition takes on many forms. They may taunt and ridicule believers. They may attempt to distract or discredit us and keep us from living for Christ or spreading the Gospel. And they may seek to incite fear and doubt.

How do we respond to such opposition? We, too, can become discouraged or feel defeated. Instead, we need to focus on God and always move forward in faith. Stay committed to His Kingdom. Be sensitive to His Spirit, constantly obeying His Word. Trust Him to guide and protect us and bring us victory.

In every situation, seek to stay faithful and keep on rejoicing. Remember your eternal destiny (1 Peter 4:12-13). Don’t let anything distract you, and don’t be intimidated. Trust in God. Move forward in faith!