December 27, 2024

Commit Your Heart

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Since we stopped burning incense to the queen of heaven … we have lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine.”—Jeremiah 44:18 NKJV

Some people think that turning to God is a kind of magic formula. They think there are no consequences for their actions and that everything will work out the way they want when they want. Jeremiah was confronted with people who felt this way. They expected immediate results. Instead, problems continued. Then when things did not change according to their timetable, they turned away from God and returned to their sinful ways.

Their reactions revealed that they really weren’t interested in serving God. They weren’t interested in meeting the qualifications; they just wanted the benefits.

But God has a different perspective. He knows how often people make promises only to change their minds. He hears their words but is more concerned about the true condition of their hearts and their real attitudes. He’s interested in their eternal destiny, not in quick fixes.

The Bible makes clear that God wants our hearts. We are to “seek first His kingdom,” confident that He will provide everything we need (Matthew 6:25–33). We need to understand the eternal consequences of our actions and to serve Him regardless of the circumstances.

Today, make sure to turn to God for solutions to the problems you face. But remember to make an unconditional commitment. Don’t waver if you don’t see immediate results. Remain resolute. He has not forgotten you. He is the God of all eternity. You can trust Him.

Reflection Question: Reflect on your commitment to God and His Kingdom.

Father, I commit these problems to You: ______. I trust You for the answers. Thank You for Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 44

Father, I commit these problems to You: ______. I trust You for the answers. Thank You for Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 44