Changed and Empowered

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Howell Harris was 21 years old when he had a powerful conversion experience at a church near his family’s home in southwest England. But his life changed again just a few weeks later, on June 18, 1735, as he was reading and praying in the tower of a church in Llangasty (in eastern Wales).

Harris later recalled, “Suddenly I felt my heart melting within me like wax before a fire, and love to God for my Savior.” He had an indescribable desire and called out, “Abba, Father!” He suddenly realized that “I was His child,” and that God loved him and was listening to him. He cried, “Now I am satisfied!” Overwhelmed by his realization, he prayed, “Give me strength and I will follow Thee through water and fire.”

That moment began an intimate fellowship with the Father that intensified throughout his life. He experienced a new depth of being filled with the Holy Spirit. His fears vanished and “pure love took their place.” God gave him a new compassion for Souls, and he grieved for those who still lived in sin.

Following this experience, Harris became an evangelist and one of the important leaders of the revivals that brought thousands to salvation throughout the British Isles. He traced much of his inspiration to that moment in 1735.

Harris experienced the kind of intimate relationship that all of us can have with God. The Bible urges us to realize that He is not a distant deity, but our Heavenly Father!

Today, draw yourself apart to spend time with your Father. Let Him take away your burdens and refresh you. Allow Him to change you and empower you. Let Him give you more love for others and new compassion for the Lost.