Beyond Belief

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Early in his ministry, Paul was invited to speak at the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch. In his speech, he outlined the history of God’s people, beginning with the exodus from Egypt. He reminded them of the promises of the prophets and described how Jesus fulfilled those promises. How He had been crucified, but risen from the dead.

He challenged them to believe the Gospel. To realize that God was offering to forgive their sins. Providing the context, he quoted several verses from their Scriptures, including words from the prophet Habakkuk.

He knew many listeners resisted the Gospel. Some were “scoffers” who doubted God’s Word and didn’t believe the Gospel message. But Paul also reminded them of Habakkuk’s declaration that God was doing amazing things that no one would believe and couldn’t even be described adequately. But these very things actually were taking place!

Paul wanted them to realize that God’s plans are beyond our human understanding.

These same principles are true today. God’s plans still are being unveiled, day by day, according to His timetable and His will. Based on His sovereign design. But quoting Isaiah, Paul described how God has special revelations for “those who love Him.” These are beyond description: “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard.” Things so glorious that they have never even been considered (1 Corinthians 2:9).

How wonderful not to be a scoffer but to trust completely in God. To banish all doubt! To have expectant faith!

In your life realize that God loves you, …  don’t be content with the temporary crumbs the world thinks are so important. Realize that God loves you, and has great plans for you! More wisdom! More power! More blessings! Don’t limit Him. Be ready to step out in faith. Believe Him for great things!