April 13, 2024


Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Wait for me a little, and I will show you that there is yet more to be said on God’s behalf.”—Job 36:2 NASB

Elihu was convinced he alone correctly understood what happened to Job and why; Job and his other friends were wrong. But Elihu took these conclusions to another level. He genuinely felt that he was called to speak on “God’s behalf.”

There is no evidence that God spoke to him or directed him to speak. In fact, Elihu is not mentioned anywhere outside of Job 32–37. It seems more likely that Elihu simply was confident God would approve. But he was wrong.

It can be easy to be confident like Elihu. But the Bible warns us to be careful before assuming we are hearing from God.

We see this kind of assumption when Israel and Judah were deciding whether to fight against Aram (1 Kings 22). One prophet, Zedekiah, stated emphatically that God wanted them to go to war, and the other prophets agreed. But they all were wrong. They had been victims of a deceiving spirit. Only one man, Micaiah, knew the real word of God.

The Bible instructs us to be careful before we assume that we speak for God or have heard from Him. Even “a sign or a wonder” didn’t mean a prophet was speaking for Him. He even may be trying to deceive (Deuteronomy 13:1–5).

Today, remember that God alone is God. Humble yourself before Him. Seek Him with a pure heart. And seek to be led by His Spirit.

Reflection Question: Write a prayer asking God to guide your words and actions.

Father, give me discernment. Teach me by Your Spirit. Guide and lead me to understand Your Word more clearly. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Job 36

Father, give me discernment. Teach me by Your Spirit. Guide and lead me to understand Your Word more clearly. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Job 36