An Uncompromising Commitment

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The foundation of the life of God’s people was their relationship with Him. But, to help them, He also gave them His written Word. Not only were they to know Him personally; they were to know His Word. To be guided by His chosen leaders. Yet, in spite of all that He taught them, He knew that false prophets would arise who would seek to deceive them and distort the Truth. And that they would be vulnerable.

It was critical that His people have discernment to recognize deceit, and know how to respond. No one could say words were “from God” unless God very specifically and clearly had given those words. Further, they were to make His revealed Word their standard.

They even could be deceived by family members or friends. But God warned not to listen to anyone who urged them to violate His Word. There could be no compromises.

These same principles apply today. For many claim to speak for God and have the right interpretation of His Word. To have some new doctrine. These deceptive voices can sound convincing. But no matter how compelling they might seem, we must stand firm on God’s Word.

It is vital that we know the Truth. That we know God’s Word and be on guard against those who would twist His Word, seeking to deceive us for their own purposes.

This begins with a personal commitment. A dedication to know the Word. To study and memorize the Word. To check every doctrine and message against His unchanging standard. And to seek to be filled with the Spirit, always sensitive to His leading.