
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Why are so many of today’s news reports prejudiced, unfair, and hostile? In a recent book, a senior news executive blamed problems like these on “the long-entrenched laziness of the media.” He concluded that a “herd-like laziness has infected the bloodstream of mainstream news organizations. It runs so deep, they don’t even know it’s there.”

Resisting objective research, such news outlets simply seek to confirm their personal opinions. Their goal often is to get higher ratings, sell advertising, and attract more readers or viewers. Instead of pursuing the truth, many are biased and quick to draw conclusions, unwilling to consider views that differ from their prejudices. And they attack viciously when questioned.

David knew what it was like to face accusers like these. He wrote this psalm amid intense times. Enemies had spoken words of hatred against him and fought him “without cause.” He complained that they “repaid me evil for good and hatred for my love.” He felt discouraged, vulnerable, and taken for granted. He had been deceived.

As David poured out his heart to God, he realized his only hope was in Him. Others might oppose or curse David, but God would “bless” him, defend him, and make everything right in the end.

Do you face accusers? Trials? Burdens? Worries? In whatever situation you face, be honest with God. Pour out your heart to Him. Seek His help, and depend on His loving kindness.

In all circumstances, determine that you will continue to pray. Seek God with your whole heart. He will not be silent, but will be your Defender.