A Role Model

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

A star athlete was frustrated at being expected to provide a model. Tired of this spotlight, he declared, “I’m not a role model.” His argument? Just because he excelled in sports, he was not qualified to “raise your kids.”

Many others likely have the same attitude. They feel that the spotlight always is on them, and they always are expected to act in ways that others could emulate.

Perhaps many Christians feel this way. Perhaps aware of their own weaknesses, they don’t feel qualified to be role models. Perhaps they just don’t feel they always say and do things that others should copy.

But the Bible reminds us that, whether we like it or not, all of us are role models. People are looking at us. They want to see the byproducts of our faith. Can they see a difference that Jesus has made in our lives? Is there proof that they, too, should become a follower? Is our testimony real or just a bunch of words?

Paul reminded Titus that he was called to “offer yourself as a role model of good actions” (v. 7 CEB). He was to be conscious of his responsibilities and remember that he was an ambassador for Christ. His words and actions were to demonstrate the change Jesus could make.

The same principle applies to each of us. Ask God to help you be a more effective witness for Him.