A Deep Love

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

As a teenager, Samuel Trevor Francis struggled to find meaning. Born in 1834 just north of London, England, he grew up in a Christian home. While still a baby, he and his family moved to Hull, in northeast England. He stayed there for several years with relatives who grounded him in Biblical truths. At nine, he joined the church choir, and began to write poetry.

Facing a series of health problems, he witnessed a baptismal service, which made a big impact. Yet he still had questions and struggles. One day, while in London, as he was crossing Hungerford Bridge, he halted, and he felt challenged by this thought: “Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?” At once he exclaimed, “I do believe.” At that moment he knew that life had changed. He had been born again.

His life was changed in such a revolutionary way that he dedicated his life to proclaiming the Gospel. He became an open-air preacher, and then joined the evangelical outreaches of Dwight Moody and others, often leading singing.

Drawing on his personal experiences, in 1875, he wrote a poem, “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.” He knew that this was unlike normal love. It was “vast, unmeasured, boundless, free! Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!” It was a love that was “all around.”

Samuel was amazed that this love never changed. It was like “an ocean full of blessing,” giving rest to Believers, and lifting us up to glory, for it lifts us up into His presence.

How easily we can become wrapped up in daily problems, even in religious activities. How important to stop and remember the love of Jesus. To love Him. To revel in His love. And to share that love with others.