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Rusty Wright

Rusty Wright is an author and lecturer who has spoken on six continents.  He holds Bachelor of Science (psychology) and Master of Theology degrees from Duke and Oxford universities, respectively. Learn more at rustywright.com

1917 Movie: Risking All to Save a Life
1917 Movie: Risking All to Save a Life

What risks would you take to save a life? What risks would you want someone else to take to save…

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‘Harriet’ Movie: Courage, Freedom, Faith
‘Harriet’ Movie: Courage, Freedom, Faith

Antebellum abolitionist Harriet Tubman had convictions and courage that helped free herself and…

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‘When We Last Spoke’ Movie: Kids’ Dreams, Family Secrets, Forgiveness

Did you have fun as a kid with your siblings? Argue with them as adults? Were your parents…

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Run the Race Movie: Dreams, Despair, Romance, Redemption
Run the Race Movie: Dreams, Despair, Romance, Redemption

Ever had a dream die?  Or a loved one?  Perhaps you struggle with why bad things sometimes happen…

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Jesus’ Crucifixion: Who’s Got the Body
Jesus’ Crucifixion: Who’s Got the Body?

Who cares? What difference does it make if Jesus rose from the dead? It makes all the difference in…

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Jesus Resurrection Fact Fiction
Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?

At Easter, some might wonder what all the fuss is about. Who cares? What difference does it make if…

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An Easter Bunny – and an Easter Story
An Easter Bunny – and an Easter Story – Worth Remembering

You’ve probably seen Santa Claus; but have you ever seen the Easter Bunny? As a small child, I…

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Freud’s Last Session Movie: Freud and C.S. Lewis Square Off

Harvard psychiatrist Armand Nicholi taught a popular course on “The Question of God,” examining…

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Mr. Rogers Movie: Want Him as Your Neighbor
Mr. Rogers Movie: Want Him as Your Neighbor?

Ever feel lonely?  Underappreciated?  Frightened?  Need a friend who's kind?  Respectful?  Wise?…

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