A Chance in the World

A Chance in the World is the gripping true story of a gifted boy who escapes an abusive foster family to live a life of determination, resilience, and vision.

Young Stephen (Terrell Ransom Jr., Good Trouble) doesn’t remember his mother or who he is. He lives with a foster family, the Robinsons. They require him to recite “rules” that condition him to believe he’s worthless and unwanted. Physically and emotionally abused, Stephen seems lost and unlikely to develop his gifts, since he’s trying to figure out who he is in the middle of these hideous lies. What happens when a special teacher (Tom Sizemore, Saving Private Ryan) dares to believe in him?

Based on the best-selling book by Steve Pemberton, A Chance in the World is heartbreaking, triumphant, and a light for those trapped in dark places. Steve Pemberton went on to become an author and an inspirational speaker in high demand.

Know this: You are also more than your past! More than the words the people in your life label you with! God has a hope and future for you … just like He did for Stephen in A Chance in the World.


Watch on Inspiration TV:
Thursday, May 23 at 6 p.m. ET | 18:00 UK
Friday, May 24 at 3:30 a.m. ET | 03:30 UK

(Times Subject to Change without Notice)

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