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Camp Cool Kids

Camp Cool Kids is a family-friendly movie about facing your fears.…

Anything Is Possible Ethan Bortnick
Anything Is Possible

Anything Is Possible is a movie that explores issues like military family life, homelessness, and…

Magdalena: Released from Shame

"Magdalena," the compelling film portraying Jesus' tender regard for women, is being met with…

Tortured for Christ
Tortured for Christ

Tortured for Christ is the powerful true story of Voice of the Martyrs founder Richard Wurmbrand.…

All Roads Lead Home

All Roads Lead Home is an award-winning family film about loss, single parenting, and the…


Uncommon is an inspirational movie about what it’s like to live with faith in a hostile culture.…


Teenaged Kendra has outgrown ankle skirts and Bible camp. She decided she was done being a church…

A High School Story
A High School Story

Travel back in time to classic 80s comedies with A High School Story! A typical high school…

Hamlet & Hutch

Hamlet and Hutch is a family-friendly film about courage and second chances. Veteran actor Burt…

Hope Dances

Hope Dances is a great family dance drama about a young girl who’s talented in two very different…