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Selfie Dad

A former comedian, Ben (Michael Jr.) takes a more practical job to support his family and keep…

The Frontier Boys

The Frontier Boys are four high school guys with a longtime friendship and an undefeated basketball…

King's Faith with Lynn Whitfield
King’s Faith

King’s Faith is an authentic, powerful story of redemption in a world that often judges people by…

Finding Faith

In a race against the clock, Sheriff Mike Brown (Eric Estrada, Uncommon) searches for Faith, a…

Greater with Christopher Severio

The movie Greater is the inspirational true story of Brandon Burlsworth (Christopher Severio,…

Life with Dog
Life with Dog

When Joe Bigler loses his wife Alice in a mysterious bike accident, he not only has her death to…

Drop Off

This action-packed family adventure tale from the director of Where the Red Fern Grows is for…

Grace and Gravity

While on work assignment in the UK, American John Palmer is shocked when he discovers Chris Arnold,…

Victory by Submission

Victory by Submission is a film about triumph through faith. Troubled MMA fighter Tommy Hendricks…

Nail 32
Nail 32

Nail 32 is an inspirational movie based on real-life cowboy Buck Livingston's story of courage,…