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The Life of Jesus

Experience the life of Jesus exactly as it appears in the Gospel of John, with cast from Britain's…

Noah and the Last Days

A hundred years of warnings about an impending disaster didn’t change the daily lives of Noah’s…

Poverty Cure
Poverty Cure

The aid and assistance we provide to those we think are in need in third-world countries may…

The Christian View

Everyone in the world has a view. Have you ever wondered if God has one? “The Christian View” is an…

The Bible vs. Joseph Smith

In this unique documentary, produced entirely in Israel, a Christian and a Mormon sit down to…

Lost Legacy Reclaimed
Lost Legacy Reclaimed

“Lost Legacy Reclaimed” is a docudrama series about the early Christian Church in North Africa, its…

Two Hats

In 1998, Brad and Deborah Wells forfeited the comfort of their Idaho home to fulfill a call from…

Charting Christmas
Charting Christmas

The Charting Christmas documentary looks at the history and traditions of Christmas. Have you ever…

Christ in You The Voice Lisa Bevere
Christ in You: The Voice

Christ in You: The Voice is a documentary like none other. If you've ever wondered how to hear God…

Lost Kites

Knowing that almost 10 million children live in orphanages and 100 million are homeless, a young…