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Movie Review: Grace and Gravity

According to a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and posted…

Amazing Peace

God calls to everyone – and always in the way they are most likely to hear. For some, that is a…

‘You Will Not Commit Suicide!’

On the brink of ending her life, Sherry heard a powerful word from God that changed everything.…

‘We Canceled Our Suicide Plans!’

Have you ever wondered if Christian television can truly change lives? Then take a look at this…

The Power of Go

John Schlitt woke up one morning in 1980 on the couch after having passed out the previous night.…

Faith’s Song: Fit In or Follow God (Movie Review)

At some point, everyone has to make a hard decision in his or her life. Whether a person chooses…

Natasha Owens: Put Back Together by God Natasha Owens released her debut album, I Made It Through, in May…