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Do Not Quit

Lift Your Voice in Prayer
Lift Your Voice in Prayer

Many people have defined prayer with different meanings and connotations. Let’s look at a simple…

Tapping Into the Power Source: Prayer
Tapping Into the Power Source: Prayer – Part 2

Part Two - One thing the early Church had was power. Why? Because they learned to tap into the…

Have Faith in Your Prayers!

As Christians we need to realize our prayers are powerful when filled with faith in God. The Bible…

James’ Newfound Direction

If you’re struggling to find God’s purpose for your life, be encouraged by this story of how a TV…

In Pursuit of Fierce Faith

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9…

Tapping into the Power Source: Prayer
Tapping into the Power Source: Prayer

Part One - The earliest Christian believers huddled together in Jerusalem, listened to the…

3 Aspects of Faith for Daily Life
3 Aspects of Faith for Daily Life

I was so upset one day after a phone call from someone I dearly loved. I was not happy with the…