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Do You Want an Intimate Relationship with God?

Just as you spend time building human friendships and relationships, you need to give God the same…

How to Deal with Jealousy

A promotion is awarded to another employee after we’ve worked tirelessly on a project. A friend…

The Fruitful vs. The Frustrated Life

In John 15:16 Jesus says, “I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit…

How Prayer Moves You Closer to the Lord

In Luke 11:1, Jesus’ disciples made an amazing request: “Lord, teach us to pray.” They could have…

Awaken Wonder

Wonder is contagious. When we’re in awe of something, we have a natural tendency to tell others…

Get Free from the Burden of Stress

It seems that stress is the disease of the century. Products and programs to manage stress are a…

Inspiration Promise Book

Excerpt from Inspiration Promise Book by Inspiration Ministries Promises for You God’s Word is full…

Prayer and Unexpected Blessings
Prayer and Unexpected Blessings

Excerpt from the book Let's Pray by James and Pamela Dumont. Prayer was an integral part of our…

Praying for Your Children
Praying for Your Children

It’s a common question for parents to ask, “If I want to change the behavior in my child, what…

What Is Prayer?

The simple fact that millions ask the question: “What is Prayer?” attests to its importance. It is…