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power of prayer


The Lump Is Not Cancerous!

Daisy got good news from the doctors when she stood in faith and trusted in God’s faithfulness to…

Power of Prayer

How can we unleash more of the power of prayer, praying with such impact that problems are solved…

Praying Away the Spirit of Fear
Praying Away the Spirit of Fear

Living with anxiety? Fear? Insecurity? The power of prayer can set you free from life-crippling…

Here’s Your Sign

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with…

A Mother’s Prayers
A Mother’s Prayers

In the more than 2,000 songs he composed, Peter Philip Bilhorn focused on many themes. Born in…

Human Nature
Human Nature

What was different about Elijah? What set him apart? Special training? “Super human” abilities?…

Real Power

Many in the world approach the matter of faith as just a series of religious exercises without…

A Life Committed to Prayer

Paul had an amazing ministry. He had seen the power of God flow through his life through many…

Power in Prayer

How did the ministry of Charles Finney bring revival throughout the United States in the 19th…