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Real Power
Real Power

Who are the people with real power? According to a recent survey, power in the entertainment…

Distracted Lives
Distracted Lives

Here is a fact: As long as we are alive, we will face challenges and uncertainties. We'll be…

A Bold Witness
A Bold Witness

John Hancock became the President of the American Continental Congress in 1775 at a time when the…

Love for Sinners
Love for Sinners

The Pharisees had clear ideas about the people they should associate with. But Jesus thought they…

Flawed People
Flawed People

In many societies, official records are edited to emphasize what is deemed important. In the…

Sight to the Blind
Sight to the Blind

When Louis Braille was only three years old, he became blind, the result of an accident in his…

Faithfulness and Obedience
Faithfulness and Obedience

Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth opens with a focus on Zechariah and Elizabeth. To people of their…


David was frustrated. Even angry. Looking at the actions of other people, he found much to…


Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton seemed to have a cordial relationship. Perhaps the most…

Morally Wrong
Morally Wrong

The Bible often speaks about the “wicked.” Reading this word, our thoughts can turn to extremes. We…