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Forgiveness and Cleansing

Today at sundown begins one of the most sacred days in God’s calendar. This is Yom Kippur (the “Day…

Your Burdens

The son of slaves, Charles Tindley consistently demonstrated initiative. Born in Maryland on this…

Committed to the Basics

Experienced musicians, eager to advance in their craft, can find themselves concentrating on more…

Specific Directions

As the King of Sweden from 1611 through 1632, Gustavus Adolphus was one of the most powerful and…

Crop Rotation

“Why would land need rest?” Some Israelites must have asked this question when Moses told them…

Peace in the World

One hundred years ago, on this day in 1913, the nations of the Balkans (in Eastern Europe) signed…

Missing Out

Until Satan sowed seeds of doubt, Eve only had known God’s promises and His faithfulness. The devil…

The Impact of Our Actions

In ancient societies, the firstborn son had enormous privileges. The process even has been given a…

God’s Principles

The prophet Elisha often visited Shunem (in northern Israel, west of the Sea of Galilee). During…

Ignoring God’s Warnings

God warned Israel about the temptation to be ruled by a king. But, knowing they would want kings…