November 18, 2024
Jason Sautel: Finding Faith in the Fire (Part 1)
John Farrell: What was the reason behind writing The Rescuer? Jason Sautel: The reason I wrote The…
November 5, 2024
Five Purposes of the Fire
Scholars and theologians have written entire books on this subject, but one thing I want you to…
May 29, 2024
Fired Up for God!
Are you desperate yet for His presence? Do you want to receive the fire of God and be equipped to…
October 25, 2023
Cry Out for Fire
Many of the stories in the Bible are about people who were sold-out fanatics for Jesus. If they…
August 7, 2023
Finding Freedom in Your Fiery Furnace
“Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace.” - Daniel 3:17 Usually…
June 9, 2019
Your Pentecost Breakthrough
Can you imagine what went through the disciples’ minds leading up to the day of Pentecost? The…
May 18, 2017
Fire and Hammer
Many were claiming to speak for God. In fact, their "prophesies" sounded genuine. These men knew…
August 27, 2014
The Spirit of Holiness
God is holy, perfectly pure. The Bible describes Him as “a consuming fire” (Deuteronomy 4:24). We…
July 26, 2014
Honor and Fame
If Hollywood producers filmed the story of Daniel, we can imagine them ending with the passage…
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October 25, 2023
Cry Out for Fire
Many of the stories in the Bible are about people who were sold-out fanatics for Jesus. If they…
August 7, 2023
Finding Freedom in Your Fiery Furnace
“Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace.” - Daniel 3:17 Usually…
June 9, 2019
Your Pentecost Breakthrough
Can you imagine what went through the disciples’ minds leading up to the day of Pentecost? The…
May 18, 2017
Fire and Hammer
Many were claiming to speak for God. In fact, their "prophesies" sounded genuine. These men knew…
August 27, 2014
The Spirit of Holiness
God is holy, perfectly pure. The Bible describes Him as “a consuming fire” (Deuteronomy 4:24). We…
July 26, 2014
Honor and Fame
If Hollywood producers filmed the story of Daniel, we can imagine them ending with the passage…