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5 Ways to Cut Household Costs This Year

There’s no better time to get serious about saving money. And one simple way to do that is by…

Dave Says: Your Financial Life Depends on It

Dear Dave, I’ve been struggling for about a year, ever since I made a stupid new-college-graduate…

fund dreams
How to Fund Your Dreams

We all had big dreams as little kids. Maybe your dream was to be an astronaut, a musician, or even…

Year-End Giving Strategies (Part 2)

Jonathan Jenkins: Do you have any guidelines that you would recommend for people seeking to give…

Four Steps to Setting Goals in the New Year

I love this time of year. The holidays are my absolute favorite, but not just because of the lights…

How to Fight Inflation Through Year’s End

Inflation It’s a constant news headline, the joke of every meme, and the word we curse under our…

Year-End Giving Strategies (Part 1)

Jonathan Jenkins: Can you define year-end giving for our readers? Handre de Jongh: Absolutely! So,…

The End (of the Year) Is Near
The End (of the Year) Is Near!

The famous Christmas song declares, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” But in all the…

Budgeting for Christmas

Making a list, checking it twice ... Oh wait, it’s not the holiday season quite yet? You may still…

Crown Financial: Don’t Overspend This Christmas (Part 2)

Jonathan Jenkins:  It's been said many times that giving increases happiness more than receiving.…