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I’ve Asked God to Forgive My Sins, So Why Do I Still Feel Guilty?

Have you sinned today? How many times? Ouch! What tough questions! We can all answer with a big…

Do I Have to Go to Church If I Become a Christian
Do I Have to Go to Church If I Become a Christian?

Church attendance is not a requirement of salvation because Christianity is not a set of rules to…

Grow in Faith Through Bible Reading
Grow in Faith Through Bible Reading

Faith is your gift from God that delivers you to victory. It’s a gift with unlimited potential. One…

Why Are There So Many ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ in Christianity
Why Are There So Many ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ in Christianity? 

"What if you die, and find out there is no heaven, Mom? Would you still be a Christian?" my…