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A Karate Kid Devotional: The Life of the Father

Devotional #1: The Fatherless Generation Karate Kid was the brainchild of writer Robert Mark Kamen,…

Stephen Kendrick: ‘Everybody Has a Fatherhood Story’ (Part 2) John Farrell: How has God’s example of being the perfect father…

Where in the Bible Does It Say That Jesus Claimed to Be God?

How does one respond to a person who claims to be God? This is one of the vital questions we must…

He Is the Father to the Fatherless

Excerpt taken from Restored: Transforming the Sting of Your Past into Purpose for Today by Chris…

Father in Heaven
Who Is Our Father in Heaven?

Jesus taught us to pray and claimed a radical relationship with God — one that is both personal and…

A Father’s Legacy
A Father’s Legacy: Ripples on the Pond (Exclusive Clip) In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He…

No Turning Back

Excerpt Taken from No Turning Back: Escape Your Past, Empower Your Present, and Experience God's…

My Dad, My Hero

My dad has always been my hero. A hero is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for…

Father’s Day Without My Father
Father’s Day Without My Father

Augustine wrote in his book ‘Confessions’: “You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are…