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Hoovey: Believing Makes It Possible, Faith Makes It Real

As someone who grew up loving and playing sports it is only natural that I am also a fan of sports…

Rules of Faith

Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is central to a successful…

Seeing Life Through the Lens of God’s Favor

When I was growing up, one of the popular cartoon characters was a nearsighted retiree named Mr.…

Your Future Starts Today
Your Future Starts Today!

Today God wants you to release your faith in a new way. You can leave the past behind and move…

Mouthpiece for Unborn
Cameron Arnett: Mouthpiece for the Unborn

JF: What was the most challenging part of making this movie? Were there any worries or fears during…

Sprinting to the Finish Line
Sprinting to the Finish Line

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything…

7 Good Things God Is Doing During the Coronavirus Crisis
7 Good Things God Is Doing During the Coronavirus Crisis

"Is God not gracious, and faithful, to support us under the stroke? Is He not rich enough to give…

What to Do While You Are Waiting: Be a Witness in the Wait

Hello everyone and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk. I am so delighted to have you with us.…

Finding Hope: Because You Trust I want to talk to you about prayer. We all pray. We all pray many…