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Are You a Follower
Are You a Follower?: Dynamic Easter Feature on Inspiration TV

As we celebrate Holy Week, Inspiration TV is encouraging Christians to ask the important question,…

Need a Resurrection of Hope?

What does Resurrection Sunday mean to you and me as believers? It means we have a powerful new…

A Compromise

Ever since the beginning of church history, many people have looked upon Christian beliefs as…

The Wondrous Cross

Isaac Watts began writing poetry when still a boy. Born in 1674 in southern England, Watts…

The Cross

Born in turbulent times on this day in 1644, William Penn disappointed his father, Sir William…

Bruised For You

"Bruise Him"? How easily we can read words like these and never really consider the depth of their…

Jesus’ Last Words

On this special Friday, believers throughout the world pause to consider the death of Jesus. This…

The Bread of Life and Passover

It was an unprecedented miracle. Thousands had been fed with just a few loaves and fish. But a key…

A Long and Satisfying Life

When do our lives stop being productive? Some people, feeling the impact of aging, simply give up,…

Glorying in the Cross

Malcolm Muggeridge became famous in the 1940s in England as a writer and television personality…