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Billy Graham


What Is Revival?

There’s a holy buzz around the word revival these days. From the Asbury Revival to movies like The…

Do I Have to Clean Up My Act Before Becoming a Christian? Billy Graham was a famous preacher and evangelist,…

The Secret to Billy Graham’s Humility

Billy Graham once told a humorous story revealing how he could stay so humble, even while…

What Would Billy Graham Have Done Differently?

Excerpt from Redeemed: Devotions for the Longing Soul by Will Graham. Will Graham was shocked at…

‘Johnny Cash’ Movie: His Life, Love, Challenges, and Successes

International superstar; honored by presidents; a jailbird and addict. Singer Johnny Cash knew…

Billy Graham's Legacy: God's Messenger to the World
Billy Graham’s Legacy: God’s Messenger to the World

He preached to more people than anyone else in history, reaching hundreds of millions in person…

Review: Louis Zamperini – Captured by Grace
Review: Louis Zamperini – Captured by Grace

Some books just have a buzz about them. I was renovating a historical home – a long and arduous…

Billy Graham:
Honoring a Life Lived For God

How does one say goodbye to a legend who literally changed the world – not for himself – but for…

Preacher to Millions, Adviser to Presidents, Billy Graham Dies at 99

The Rev. Billy Graham, world-renowned evangelist and adviser to presidents has died. He was…