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accomplishing God’s purposes


Moving Forward

Paul had been warned. The prophet Agabus cautioned that if he went to Jerusalem, Paul would be…

Focused on God’s Priorities

Jesus knew that His life had a purpose. He understood that the Father had given Him goals to…

Fame. Attention. Pride.

“Love of fame is the last thing even learned men can bear to be parted from.” These are the…

The Gospel for Everyone

To people of the first century, the presence of Parthians in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost…

Sojourning Through Life

By March 1918, the “Great War” had been raging for almost four years. Like men in other armies,…


Disappointment. This is exactly how Alexander Mackenzie reacted. It was 1789, and he had journeyed…


Peter knew how easily we can be distracted, wasting time and energy in pursuit of the wrong goals.…

Pleasing Others

Personal interaction became a key focus for Paul as he concluded his letter to the Romans. He…

God’s Delegated Authority

Nebuchadnezzar’s life changed when he had a disturbing dream. God supernaturally gave its meaning…

Bringing Good News

Nahum lived in turbulent times during the early 7th century BC. His ministry was focused on his…