Sonship of the Believer

John AvanziniBy John Avanzini1 Minutes

What does it mean to be a child of God?

In this brand-new Strengthen Your WalkTM series, John Avanzini discusses 10 distinct aspects of the promises we’re given as coheirs with Jesus.
We’re new creatures in Christ, and having chosen and saved us, God doesn’t leave us to figure out the rest on our own. He’s got a good plan for our futures. We know our sins are forgiven because of Jesus’ work on the cross. But what about sins we commit after we become believers? They’re gone too!

Learn the secret ingredients for living a life of harmony and praise even in our broken world.

John Avanzini is a respected Christian leader who breaks down what all these Christian terms mean in everyday language. This new series is perfect for new believers and those who have been following Jesus for a while and just want a refresher on how to live the Christian life.

Avanzini has been in Christian ministry for over 65 years, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ globally. He has authored more than 50 books on biblical economics.