Theo is a delightful animated kids show in our Inspiration Kids block. But get ready—this show for the little ones has a big faith message!
You’ll get to know Theo, who lives in a cozy corner of a quaint English village. You’ll also meet his two mouse friends, Luther and Belfry. Theo discusses topics such as the doctrines of salvation, Godʼs character, the Bible, and Godly living. He introduces all of them in a way that connects with children and makes them want to learn more about the Christian faith. Meanwhile, Luther and Belfry always seem to find themselves in a fun adventure!
Through simple, engaging storytelling, Theo teaches children God’s word. Kids learn real ways to live it out in daily life. This animated series guides children and adults through real theological principles. At the same time, it captures the attention of young minds with humor and engaging animation.
Theo was created to reach kids of all ages. The Gospel-centered lessons could readily be used for Sunday school lessons, Christian school curriculum, missions, evangelism, and homeschooling.
Coming Soon!