Rules of Faith

The Purpose of Prosperity

Dr. Dave MartinBy Dr. Dave Martin4 Minutes

Lord, I want to receive Your favor and abundance so I can bless others and abundantly give back to You.”

The Bible says God “gives you power to get wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18). Have you ever noticed that great promise and claimed it for your life?

This verse doesn’t just say He will give you money, as wonderful as that may be. The promise is much greater than that: If you follow His instructions, the Lord will give you the ability to create wealth!

Jesus said He came so His followers “may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). The Amplified translation says He wants you to “have and enjoy life.” You see, Jesus didn’t come just so you could make a living—He wants you to experience an abundant LIFE!

The Wisdom Problem

Perhaps you’re thinking at this point, “You just don’t understand my situation. I’ve got some serious problems in my finances, relationships, health, and other areas of my life.”

While I know you may be facing difficult circumstances, let me encourage you with an amazing principle that will change your life, as it has changed mine:

The only problem you will ever have is a wisdom problem!

The Bible says when you set your heart toget wisdom” as “the principal thing, God will promote you and give you His favor (Proverbs 4:7-8). From your finances, to your relationships, to your health, God’s wisdom and favor can dramatically change your life.

Blessing Others

When I hear people talk about financial increase or prosperity, I often ask them what they think the purpose of prosperity is. Do you know the answer? Put simply, the purpose of prosperity is that God blesses you so you can BE a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2).

I once had a guy say to me, “ You have enough money for me and my family. We are taken care of, and we don’t really need to prosper beyond that.”

That is one of the most selfish things I’ve ever heard! How could he think he had enough? Didn’t he know any missionaries in Africa trying to build an orphanage for babies with AIDS? Didn’t any single moms in his church need a vehicle? Wasn’t he aware of media outreaches like Inspiration Ministries, transforming lives even in nations where it’s illegal to preach the Gospel by conventional means?

I like what David Cerullo says: “God is looking for people who love to bless others.” There’s a big responsibility that comes with the gift of receiving “power to get wealth.” God doesn’t pour His blessings into our lives so we can become hoarders and heap up more and more treasure for ourselves. He blesses us so we can touch people’s lives with the love of Jesus. Instead of being stagnant ponds, He wants us to be rivers of living water—continually flowing outward to a lost and needy world.

God is looking for people who say, “Lord, I want to receive Your favor and abundance so I can bless others and abundantly give back to You.”

Friend, as a child of God, you should expect His favor. And when that favor is activated, it can cause you to regain in a day what the enemy has stolen from you for years. It can make the rest of your life become the best of your life!