Two Hats

In 1998, Brad and Deborah Wells forfeited the comfort of their Idaho home to fulfill a call from God to spread His Word in Mount Hagen, the third largest city in Papua New Guinea. The documentary Two Hats follows Brad and Deborah, along with their seven children, as they learn how to lead an inspiring life of ministry among people who initially have a difficult time receiving them.

This documentary gives you a first-hand look at the battles Brad and his family face as they adapt and learn to understand the New Guinea culture, realizing it’s a necessary step so that they can make God’s message clear. Persistent and passionate about their call to ministry, they continuously find new ways to use their gifts and talents to reach others and be used by God. For example, when the roads aren’t accessible, an aviation ministry allows the Wells family to fly into remote areas to speak the Word of God to villages of people for days at a time.

Two Hats follows the life of a sincere man of God who learns how to wear the hat of those around him to establish a genuine connection of trust and tear down tense barriers so that he may effectively minister to them.


Watch on Inspiration TV:
Friday, June 14 at 5 p.m. ET | 17:00 UK

(Times Subject to Change without Notice)

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