
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

David felt that he was innocent. Sure that he had been falsely accused, he turned to God, asking for vindication. The Hebrew word suggests a legal perspective. Like a judge deciding whether a case should proceed.

Any of us can have the same concerns. We, too, may feel unfairly criticized or misunderstood. We may desire to be justified or just explain our side of the story. But these actions may not result in the vindication we want.

This is why we need to depend on God. As David recognized, his responsibility was to walk in integrity and trust in Him “without wavering.” To concentrate on doing the right thing. To live according to His Word.

David also recognized that he needed God’s searchlight, allowing Him to probe everything in his life. His cry was, “Examine me, O Lord, and try me; test my mind and my heart.”

David gained confidence as he realized that he could trust God. That He would correct him, but in a spirit of love. Having been corrected, David became careful to interact with godly people and not “deceitful men” (v. 4). And he focused on serving God, desiring to “proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving and declare all Your wonders” (v. 7).

In your life, seek to live with integrity, pleasing to God. Other people may make decisions that can seem unfair. But you can trust God “without wavering.” Remember: He is the Perfect Judge. And He loves you.