

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

The culmination of our lives comes when we are part of what the Bible calls “the marriage of the Lamb,” when we will be united with our Bridegroom, Jesus. The Bible urges us to prepare for this moment, just as brides prepare for their wedding day.

As we make ourselves ready, we need to set aside all that separates us from Him. Seek to do things that please Him. Eliminate any sin, any bad habits, any harmful attitudes. This preparation should be fueled by love! We should long to be with Him and passionate about our relationship with Him. He should be more precious to us than anything or anyone else on earth.

Spending time with Him should be more important than anything else we do. We should be willing to give up everything to be with Him! This should not be a burden but a joy!

Today, think about your relationship with Jesus. Is He the most important thing in your life? Are you in love with Him, or just going through the motions? Is your relationship just a ritual or tradition, or are you motivated by love?

Make sure that you are preparing yourself for an eternity with Him. Jesus is the lover of your soul. Seek to be in His presence. Realize that nothing else can compare with the joy that awaits you in His presence. He is your true love. Your joy. Your life.