July 4, 2022


Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33 NASB

Kansas had become a battleground. The conflict began after the United States Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. This determined that Kansas would become an official territory, but gave its people the right to determine if slavery would be banned or allowed.

In the following years, both antislavery and proslavery forces flooded Kansas. These forces clashed so often that the state became known as Bloody Kansas.

During these uncertain times, many pioneers moved into Kansas simply looking for a home. Many of these settlers realized how much they needed God’s help.

Christine Hokanson was one of those settlers. She expressed the sentiment of many when she wrote, “How grateful we are to God.” To her, this was a “wonderful country.” Like many others, she knew that God “helped and guided us through the struggles and vicissitudes of the pioneer days.” She knew that they were receiving His “rich blessings.”

Pioneers like Hokanson testified that God was faithful, that He guided and provided for them, and that He protected them and gave them peace amid unsettled circumstances.

God’s promises did not just apply to those pioneers. For God gave His incredible promises to all who seek and trust Him.

These promises are true for you. Call on Him. Trust Him. He can give you peace amid any storm. He is the key to blessing for you, your family, your country, and the world.

Reflection Question: Compose a prayer for protection for those in war-torn countries.

Father, thank You for Your promises. I trust You to guide and protect me. Bless me that I might bless others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
John 16

Father, thank You for Your promises. I trust You to guide and protect me. Bless me that I might bless others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
John 16