

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Ecclesiastes described a person who had been blessed yet was not able to enjoy these blessings as “evil.”

What a perfect picture of life for many people! Despite all that God has given them, they are not able to appreciate His blessings. They don’t rest or trust in Him or believe His Word! Instead, they are consumed by worry and anxiety. Many are skeptical and filled with doubt.

They spend their lives running after the “vapors” of life (James 4:14) – promises that cannot be fulfilled, pleasures that do not last, applause that quickly fades away.

The Bible talked about a man “who loves silver” but who “will not be satisfied with silver.” The lesson was that “when goods increase, they who eat them increase also” (Ecclesiastes 5:10-11). Their only gain is what they see with their eyes.

People like this fail to realize that God holds the key to life. We can accumulate things, but only God can give us real joy. When we serve Him and seek first His Kingdom, He promises to bless us and bring us into new dimensions of blessing, a dimension of the Spirit.

Today, remember that God desires to bless and prosper you, take away your burdens and worries, and enable you to enjoy life and the things He has given you. What is the key? Seek first His Kingdom. Surrender your life to Him. Let Him give you real life! Real joy!