Divine Protection

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Hans Memling had a clear vision of angels. Who they were. What they were like. We witness the vision of this Dutch painter in “Angel with Sword,” completed in 1479.

There can be no mistake, for there is only one character: a solitary angel with an innocent, kind face. While the sword in the right hand is long, the countenance is soft and inviting.

There is some sense of the supernatural as this angel floats against the clouds. But what is missing is the complete Biblical portrait of angels. In fact, many artists throughout history have portrayed angels as cherubic. Paragons of purity and innocence.

But the Bible provides a totally different picture. Time after time, just the appearance of angels caused people to react with fear. When the angels appeared to shepherds announcing the birth of Jesus, they “were terrified” (Luke 2:9). When David wanted to go into the tabernacle to inquire of God, he could not go in, “because he was terrified by the drawn sword of the angel of the Lord” (1 Chronicles 21:29-30).

At a time when Judah was surrounded by the Assyrian army, some felt their situation was hopeless. But God changed everything in a moment, simply dispatching a single angel, who demonstrated his power by destroying the entire Assyrian army.

God’s people aren’t always aware of this angelic presence. When a servant of Elisha was afraid because of the army that surrounded them, Elisha prayed that God would “open his eyes and let him see!” Suddenly, the young man “saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire” (2 Kings 6:17). His whole attitude changed.

Remember, God knows every situation you face. And He is with you. Let Him take away your fears and give you peace. Trusting in Him, you can face any situation with confidence, and turn defeats into victories.