Concern for the Helpless

Concern for the Helpless

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

God delights to bless us. He wants to provide what we need and much more. The question is what we will do with these blessings.

He blesses us so that we might bless others. We are not to hoard our possessions or just use them for our own pleasures, but we are to look for opportunities to help others.

The Bible emphasizes helping those who are in need – the poor, elderly, sick, and vulnerable. We are to “defend the orphan, plead for the widow” (Isaiah 1:17). The Bible describes how visiting orphans and widows is central to “pure and undefiled religion” in God’s sight (James 1:27).

Jesus stressed that our actions toward the “least” is a direct reflection of our attitude toward Him (Matthew 25:45). How we respond to those in need is a good indication of our priorities and the condition of our hearts.

David realized that special blessings are promised for those who are concerned for the helpless: “The Lord will protect him and keep him alive, and he shall be called blessed upon the earth” (v.2). They will be sustained during times of sickness and restored to health.

Think about the ways God has blessed you with time, talents, and resources. Ask Him to show you how you can use these blessings to bless others. Be ready to share out of the abundance God has given you. God remembers when you are a good steward.